
General Election 2015 - Which issues matter most to future voters?

In the run-up to the 2015 General Election IntoUniversity has been finding out about the issues affecting the lives of our young people through a series of workshops across our London centres. 

Working alongside our dedicated student council members, we asked young people aged 7-18 to tell us about the issues which matter most to them and what they would do to improve their communities. Here are some of the suggestions our young people came up with:

There should be more police on the streets.

If you are caught littering you have to be a bin collector for 4 days.

More lampposts would help us see better in the dark.

Dangerous animals should be kept under control and behind a fence in public parks.

Make sure park equipment is not faulty and easy to report if it is.

Schools should invest in more playground equipment.

We must give homes to people who don’t have them.

Save our trees! For every tree that is cut down, three more should be planted.

We should look after all plant life because the environment is important because it protects the animals.

We must keep the NHS.

We need to provide vaccines.

People should stop flytipping – and there should be free waste collection.

We should have sea police and have scientific sea drones to keep our seas clean.

We should improve food banks by mandatory requisition of supermarket waste.

Each school should be appointed one charity that they have to fundraise for.

It should be a legal requirement for people to volunteer an hour of their time to help the needy each month.

Individuals should give their unwanted clothes away every time they buy new ones.

At school we should learn more skills that will help us in our future, such as languages, ICT and work skills from primary school age.

There should be student forums in all schools where students can pitch their ideas and submit photos/drawings for uniform design.

Communication between students and teachers needs to be improved to help stop bullying and make classrooms more positive places.

Schools should raise money for charities and have events to fundraise for local charities. i.e. bake sales and milkshakes/ ice-cream for all!

Abolish or lower tuition fees.

We should have signs that indicate Positive Action Zone areas - like Neighbourhood Watch signs. We can make it spread around the whole world!

1 comment:

  1. IntoUniversity your blog is very informative in which you discuss about the issues comes at the time of election which should be sort out so that all the process of election could be goes smoothly. Thanks for sharing this and keep sharing.

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