
Our week with MyBnk - Student guest blog by Imaani, IU Bow

During the half-term Halloween holiday, from the 27th-31st of October, 20 students took part in an inspirational project. It was a five day business course which was all about designing and making your own product.

We visited places such as Burberry HQ where we learnt about sustainability and Petticoat Lane Market where we sold our products.

MyBnk, a social enterprise, helped organise this project and gave each of the four groups a loan of £40 to start their project and buy everything they needed for their product. MyBnk helped all of the students (including me) learn all about business.

My team’s product was a handmade Halloween goodie bag - we made a £75 profit. We spent £22 on resources and sold our bags at £3.00 each. We also sold coloured hairspray, bubbles, sweets, handmade Halloween colouring in designs and Halloween make-up sets. All of our products sold out within 2 hours.

In conclusion, the project was an amazing experience and a great opportunity for us.

A guest blog post by Imaani, Year 9 student at IU Bow

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