
Some Winning Poetry

Gemma Fagbadegun

We recently asked some of our regular Academic Support students to write a poem about their experiences at IntoUniversity. The entries we received were at times comical, at times touching, with lines such as:

When I come here after school
I stand at the door and start to drool
I’m so glad that it is not a fad
I work really hard and this pleases my dad.


Four years ago I was a different person
I wasn’t as motivated as I am now.
I’ve learnt to apply myself in a positive way
and it makes me want to jump and shout hurray!

But our winning poem came from Liiban, a secondary student from our Lambeth centre. His poem really struck a chord with us – what do you think?

Dark day at school, the body and mind aches,
Long dreary road to IntoUniversity
Feelings of excitement and apprehension.
Four o’clock outside IntoUniversity
The door opens
Warm laughter and chatter invites you in,
All of a sudden the outside world doesn’t matter.

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