
IU Hammersmith Official Launch

We are delighted to announce that IU Hammersmith is now officially open! We were honoured that the Archbishop of Canterbury was able to declare the centre officially open on 22nd March, saying:

'IntoUniversity is a fantastic scheme and it tells people what they need to hear: that university really is for everybody, that you can make it what you choose to make it and you can't start too soon. This is a wonderful door-opening opportunity- I feel very privileged to be here this evening, and to be able to have some small part in giving you every blessing on this wonderful enterprise.'

Read an article about the event in The Hammersmith and Fulham Chronicle.

Here, three of Hammersmith's students report on the evening:

Cameron, Year 7

My name Is Cameron Benjamin Boyne and I go to Chiswick school. On Thursday 22nd March 2012 IntoUniversity had a launch which invited all students that go to IntoUniversity for Academic Support. It took place at Saint Andrew’s Church from 6:30-8:30 pm. We had a special guest Archbishop Rowan Williams come to the church because he came to open the centre. Primary school children had to do a word search and the secondary school children had do a sheet about budgeting and you were only allowed to spend £2000 for over ten weeks. You had to spend the money on food, rent, mobile phone bill, socialising and many more. Afterwards the Archbishop said a few words about IntoUniversity then he cut a red ribbon. All of the kids had an excellent time because it was fun and they enjoyed doing their activities. I think the launch was the best because I made new friends and met new people.

Akram, Year 7
Hi, my name is Akram reporting for IntoUniversity Hammersmith. There has been an incredible launch of the IntoUniversity Hammersmith Centre on Thursday 22nd March during the evening from 6pm to 8pm.
46 young people aged from 7 all the way up to 14 came along. So many adults came to visit we couldn’t even count them! We used our brains in a budgeting activity – we had to decide how to spend £2000 over 10 weeks. We chose to spend the money on food, books, phone bills, going out with friends (which was the 2nd most expensive part of university life after accommodation rent!). The primary school children made wordsearches containing their favourite clubs and societies. The types of the clubs people wanted to go to were sport clubs and the chocolate appreciation society.Then they asked the adults visiting questions, it was great.
The days for Primary Academic Support are Tuesdays and Wednesdays and the time is 3:30-5:00.
The days for Secondary Academic Support are Mondays and Thursday and the time is 4:00 to 5:30.
A Poem by Matthew T, Year 5This room is as loud as a volcano erupting whole the important Archbishop walks across the room, which is as crowded as Westfield. My sister writes on a piece of paper as white as the moon and as thin as a pencil.

People take pictures which make flashes as bright as the glistening moon or the bright orange sun. As the Archbishop leaves everyone talks like missiles firing.
The lights shine as bright as lightening while people write down words which describe the room, as people eat lots of food as tasty as cake.
People start to leave as some people sing extremely loud and teachers quietly look at our hard work. As I look around the room the bright lights turn off.

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